What is plagiarism and why is it banned?

Plagiarism is defined as taking the work or ideas of someone else and passing it off as your own. This is not the same as citing someone’s work and crediting it to them.

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Uploading content and copy that is not yours is morally and legally wrong. Plagiarism is a breach of our mission statement and our responsibility to our readers. Users who are found to upload copyrighted or plagiarised material may be ask to leave the organisation or have future works declined.

It is unfair to the rest of our team to have and accept copyrighted materials or plagiarised works published therefore we must have strict guidelines on dealing with plagiarised or copied content for the protection of
a) our journalist integrity,
b) the legal safety of TheGayUK.com and its partners,
c) the fairness of our writers and content creators,
d) the respect of readers and audience.

All writers are asked to click a digital signature before they upload their content to the site to prove that they own the works submitted and that they are liable for any legal procedures to come to light from their work(s).

Writers who are found to repeatedly break the plagiarism policy will have their access, emails and any other services removed, cancelled or sanctioned.

What is not considered plagiarism?

Where you copy and paste a quote. In this instance you must fully cite where the quote came from and who gave the quote. Please include full URL of where the quote can be found.

Where you copy and paste a piece of creative commons material. Again proper citation must be included and a full credit.

Usually creative commons material and content will tell you how the author wants to be attributed. A URL to the original would also be helpful.


What happens if I upload copied content or plagiarised content?

1) In the first instance all copy and content found to be plagiarised will be removed from TheGayUK

2 ) A decline email will be sent via Submittable to you, explaining that we believe that you have submitted plagiarised or copied content and asking for your explanation as to why such content was uploaded. The writer will be reminded of their legal obligations and will be pointed towards documentation about plagiarism and copied content to help orientate them with the terms and process.


3) The editorial team will review the situation and whether to keep the work, if editorially justified, or if the work is suitable for editing and re uploading. If this is the case the writer will be asked to re-submit a fully cited version of the article.

4) If any disciplinary action is needed, it will be given at this stage.

5) You have the right to appeal.

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