What would Ken Look Like With A Dad Bod Or As A Twink?

Earlier this week toy maker Mattel released their new range of diverse Barbies, which included a variety of body types, skin and eye colours and hair styles. Now someone has done the same for Ken and we love it.

As soon as the new look Barbie was released social media users demanded to see a diverse range of Ken dolls and Lyst have manned up and stepped up to the plate to show what a diverse range of Ken dolls could look like.

Lyst’s ‘Fashionisto’ Ken line-up includes Beach DadBod Ken, Bearded Hipster Ken, and Balding Ken, alongside black, Asian and petite Kens all designed by the incredible @jamiephillipstv

To dress the new figures, the team at Lyst looked at the most popular fashion products purchased by men during the last year, taking into account sizing data for the global menswear market. The new Ken dolls reflect modern man’s real appearance, plus real fashion tastes.




And if we’re not mistaken there’s even a Twink Ken… Just look at him with his bright pink vest top and his Malibu tan.


Loooooves it.

Categories: Style