What’s the best haemorrhoid treatment?

If you’ve found yourself with haemorrhoids more commonly known as piles here’s the best way to treat them.

Suffering from piles when you’re a bottom or even a power bottom could spell disaster for your sex life. But even if you don’t have anal sex, then piles can be a real pain in the arse (pun unfortunately intended). The fact is that piles or haemorrhoids are a fact of life for many people.

Piles are caused by swollen veins in the anus. They can be caused by straining when going to the toilet (number two), mainly during constipation or sitting on the loo for too long.

Many people don’t even know they have them – because they can occur inside your rectum – where you can’t see them.

When they come out your bottom, that’s when they can become a bit of a problem.

Does anal sex cause piles?

But before we go on, let’s clear one thing up, they aren’t caused by having anal sex.

Jose Perez de la Cruz, a Public Health Practitioner at the Terrence Higgins Trust told us, “anal sex has the potential to inflame pre-existing haemorrhoids (piles), though research shows that it does not cause them in the first place. So long as the piles are not actively bleeding or painful at the time of intercourse then it is probably safe to have sex”.

What’s the best way to cure haemorrhoids?

If you’ve got piles, here are some tips on how to get rid of them.


Firstly, you should probably take a break from receptive anal sex if you’ve got piles. Firstly, depending on how bad your haemorrhoids are, they may burst and cause bloody sheets and lost of blood and could be quite painful. Secondly, if you’re not using condoms and you are not on PrEP, you might be opening yourself up to blood-borne infections and viruses.



The NHS suggests that piles can often clear up by themselves, but there are several treatments that help with discomfort and itching. There are creams and suppositories, which are manually inserted into your arse – which can relieve swelling.

Jose continues, “I would recommend using Preparation H (under a fiver) or Germoloids (over a fiver) to help control pain and inflammation and to reduce swelling. During sex, it is also important that you use a good water-based lubricant, particularly during acts of multiple people or high-frequency sexual activity as this will reduce the chance of any inflammation being caused.”

Jose also suggests if the piles don’t clear up after a while that you book an appointment with your doctor to talk options.


Your diet can play a bit role in helping you clear your piles, particularly if you have constipation. The NHS suggests you should increase fibre in your diet. You should also increase the amount of water you’re consuming and avoid caffeine. If you are constipated your GP may prescribe laxatives to help you poop.

There are also more intrusive medical ways to rid yourself of haemorrhoids and you can read about them on the NHS website.


The advice listed above is not intended to replace or take the place of that of your own doctor, GP or medical professional who knows your full medical history. If in any doubt make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.


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Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.