Why We Don’t Allow Swearing

It may seem annoying and a little Daily Mail, but we’ve taken the editorial decision to not allow swear words – and any that do appear will be gutted with ** replacing two of the letters.

The reason for this is that many advertising networks and media buyers have listed TheGayUK as an ‘adult site’, purely based on the fact that we’re a “gay publication”. This really damages our brand as a viable place to advertise. As we’re no more “adult” than say Cosmo, Men’s Fitness, FHM or any publication that talks about sex, we have to ensure that nothing on site is overly adult – or no more “adult” than you’d find on say The Guardian or DM websites.

We want to prove that we’re a sure bet for advertisers who want to reach the LGBT community in the UK, so we hope you understand if some of your text is edited to reflect this.

Categories: Answers