CREDIT: Buzzfeed Video / YouTube

Zero To Hero? Buzzfeed PhotoShops Men To Perfection

In an experiment to show how impossible male perfection in advertising can be to achieve, Buzzfeed have Photoshopped four guys (TryGuys) into perfect 10s.

You know how it feels. You open up a glossy and there right in front of you is male perfection. Toned, tanned and tantalizingly ten packed… Most of the time, all is not what it seems. Many advertisers, creative directors and magazines use the magic of Photoshop to touch up and tone up – even the most perfect specimen.

Buzzfeed have documented what it takes to get to the perfect 10 – all you need is a pricey photographer, a hot shot makeup artist, expertly placed lighting and a Hogwarts rated Photoshop genius.


Taking four examples of unachievable perfection, a Justin Bieber Calvin Klein campaign, a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo, a Men’s Health shoot and the Magic Mike poster – a small but determined team made all the TryGuys “perfect.”


Watch below as Buzzfeed turns four guys into ‘gods amongst men’