Are blowjobs with flavoured condoms safe?

Condoms are a great way to enjoy safer sex – but are flavoured condoms any less safe?

Flavoured condoms have been around for decades, in fact ever since johnnies started to be made from latex, manufacturers started to get inventive. Most major condom manufacturers now create flavoured ones and some are getting creative with flavours – last year we were introduced to the gin and tonic flavoured condom. But you’re more likely to come across more simplistic fruit-based flavours. Skins condoms, for instance, have a multipack that has mint, bubblegum, banana and strawberry.

Condoms still remain one of the safest ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections – which you can still get from oral sex – which is why flavoured condoms are a thing. Have you ever tried tasting a non-flavoured one? Take it from me, it’s disgusting and tastes very chemical.

BJs are low-risk, but not risk-free

Sexual health specialists, Jake Jenkins from the 56 Dean Street sexual health clinic told us, “Oral sex is considered a low-risk activity for catching HIV, especially if you’re on the receiving end of the BJ.

“However it’s not just HIV that you have to consider here. Other nasties like Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea can be passed on by both receiver and giver, and might not even show symptoms, however, all these infections can be treated effectively if caught soon enough”.

Do condoms protect from herpes?

Bru-nO / Pixabay

You can also catch or give herpes from unprotected oral, so make sure you wrap that penis up.

There are two main types of herpes, HSV1 and HSV2. HSV stands for Herpes Simplex Virus. HSV1 tends to affect the mouth. HSV2 tends to affect the anus or vagina, both, however, are transmitted by direct touch contact.


So yes, you can get herpes (on your genitals) from someone who has a cold sore.

Putting a protective barrier over the penis will provide protection.

What to look out for

kerryank / Pixabay

Even so, you want to make sure that the condoms you use are in date and carry the British and European safety standard marks. The CE and Kite marks demonstrate that the condoms are safe to use, it is authorised by the British Standards Institution it also means it meets the requirements of the Medical Device Directive.


Make sure they are also in date and that the packaging looks intact and untampered with. Each pack should have a best before date.

Do not use Vaseline or oil-based lubricants with condoms. Only use water-based lubes or silicone lube

Agony Uncle: The resident Agony Uncle for THEGAYUK.com with over seven years of counselling experience with the LGBT+ community.