Here’s the average age gay guys lose their virginity

So how old were you?

A recent survey revealed the average of losing virginity in the gay community. Most gay guys said that they blossomed at just under 18-years-old (17.9 years) which is older than most bisexual people, who apparently lose theirs at 16.2 years old. Straight people tended to lose theirs at 17.6 years old.

The survey questioned 1000 people, 500 Americans and 500 Europeans. They asked the respondents to “consider their sexual journeys as existing on a scale from 1 (not yet started) to 100 (entirely completed) and to recall specific catalysts and educational resources along the way.”

We did wonder whether this was anal sex or oral – because well, generally what sex means in the gay world can vastly differ to what heterosexual people class as sex.


Also, there is a lot less education about gay sex than there is about peen in vagina sex, you know, what with it not being a topic of discussion in sex education in schools.

However, interestingly, the gays tend to have their sexual awakening occur first – at the tender age of 13.8 years-old whereas straight people become sexually aware at 15-years-old. Bisexual people at 15.4 years old.


So how old were you?