How do I blog on THEGAYUK?

Want to blog and get your opinions heard by thousands of people across the UK and internationally?

Unlike other LGBT media outlets THEGAYUK is built on a foundation of free speech and platform. Part of our mission is to make sure that our readers’ opinions are heard.

If you already have a blog or are thinking about getting one set up then look no further.

You can publish your existing blog on our platform, instantly boosting it to an audience of thousands or you can set one up with us and publish when you’ve got something to say.

There are no requirements other than making your content engaging, thoughtful and interesting – although we do have some guidelines to make sure everything is legal and legit.


We can help you editorially and provide pictures for your content – so you can just concentrate on writing about the most important things to you.


All you need to do is sign up here to get started and we’ll be in touch with your credentials.

Categories: Answers