There’s no evidence to suggest that people living with HIV are at greater risk of contracting Coronavirus

The British HIV Association (BHIVA) has issued a statement saying that people living with HIV are at no greater risk regarding coronavirus.

However, the BHIVA has recommended that people living with HIV should follow the updates from Public Health England, Health Protection Scotland, Public Health Wales, the Department of Health Northern Ireland and the Health Service Executive Ireland.

It also suggests that people with HIV received an “influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in line with BHIVA vaccine guidelines.”

According to a statement, those who are at risk from Coronavirus are older age people and those with “co-morbidities including renal disease and diabetes”.


Matthew Hodson, The Executive Director of Nam AIDSMAP took to twitter to say, “At this point, there’s no evidence to suggest that people with #HIV are more likely to acquire #Coronavirus – or are more likely to have serious illness or death if they do acquire the virus. People with HIV should take the same precautions as everyone.”

How to limit your exposure to COVID-19

Advice from health professionals at this time suggest practising good hand sanitisation such as washing your hands regularly and using anti-bacterial soaps or gels, particularly if you’re preparing food and after using the toilet.


You should also be covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with tissues and then discarding those tissues after use.

Categories: Wellness