There’s Only One Nigel Farage…

Depending on your political stance, this may come as good news or bad… There is only one Nigel Farage listed on 192.com

The UK’s leading online people directory has checked and it’s official, there really is only one Nigel Farage. However it appears your chances of running into a David Cameron are quite high with 192.com revealing there are over 300 of them appearing on the Open Electoral Register.

Natalie Bennett and Leanne Woods also appear on the register quite frequently; and there is a shock for Nicola Sturgeon as her namesakes are more prevalent south of the border with over 85% of them being based in England.


Whilst there is only one Nigel Farage on the register, 192.com discovered that Ed Miliband is also equally as unique, setting him apart from previous Labour leaders, such as Tony Blair who has 116 namesakes and Gordon Brown who shares his name with whopping 1,320 registered voters.

Here are the full results:

  • David Cameron 380
  • Nick Clegg 40
  • Nigel Farage 1
  • Ed Miliband 1
  • Nicola Sturgeon 14
  • Natalie Bennett 178
  • Leanne Wood 132


Recently, the gay community in Wakefield, was shocked when one of its local boozers, The Harewood Arms, opened its doors to UKIP rallies and meetings.



Product Director Dominic Blackburn at 192.com commented: “After the Election debates these are the names on everyone’s lips, in addition to this being the closest fought election in decades it is also set to be the most diverse and we move further away from two party politics. Depending on your political persuasion you might be either thrilled or horrified to be sharing a street with a David Cameron, however you can always find out by visiting 192.com”

Both Nigel Farage and Ed Miliband proved to be more unique that some famous literary figures, you are more likely to run in to one of the 439 James Bonds or even the 179 Harry Potters. 192.com is clear to point out that neither Nigel or Ed are secret agents or have magical powers their names are just rarer.


192.com has also handily heat mapped the location of the political leaders doppelgängers so you can find out if your local area is Nicola Sturgeon rich or even filled with Nick Cleggs.




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