This is the new gay podcast you need to subscribe to

Strong language, time travel and gay men – what more could you possibly want from a podcast?

Jack and Jacob are two gay men, and met through working together as writers and comedians in London. Their mission statement was to create a podcast that was funny and entertaining with top quality comedy content, but also one that was unapologetically and joyfully gay.


The Hole Seekers is a podcast by and for the gay community, and a small contribution to the canon of LGBT+ entertainment. Jack and Jacob’s weekly adventures as time travellers are all narrated through a lens of their own perspectives and experiences as gay men, and each week sees them navigating their way through the world of love, sex and dating as gay men and proud members of the LGBT+ community.

Through frank conversation and comedy, Jack and Jacob hope to provide an affectionate, inclusive and humorous exploration at what being gay means to them, using the podcast to open that conversation up to the wider community and hopefully making people chuckle along the way.

Sliding in and out of holes is – as Jack and Jacob quickly discovered – a messy business that’s far better digested aurally. The podcast is, first and foremost, a comedy show and the focal point of each 30 minute episode is a long-form, on-the-spot improvised conversation between Jack and Jacob and their guest. Each guest takes the form of a character met by the boys after they’ve travelled through a hole in time, and is played by a different comedian every week. Before recording, Jack and Jacob do not know when or where in time each week’s hole will take them or who they’ll meet when they arrive at their destination.


You can find out more and subscribe

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