Westboro Baptists, lose legal battle to protest at funerals

Westboro Baptist Church has lost a legal battle to protest at funerals in Nebraska.

The Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) has lost a legal battle meaning that it cannot protest within 500 feet of cemeteries mortuaries or churches, one hour before a funeral or two hours after it has taken place.

The law which was enacted in 2006 forbids the WBC or any other group to demonstrate during the hours in which a funeral takes place.

The WBC is infamous for its noisy protests outside funerals of openly gay people and the funerals of military personnel.

KOAM TV revealed that the WBC challenged the law, but were unsuccessful in the lower courts, the US Supreme court said it wouldn’t take up the case.


Speaking to Reuters, the church’s lawyer, Margie Phelps, said that they would continue in their endeavours.



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