Who is Scott R Brunton and What is he famous for?

Scott R Brunton has been catapulted into the headlines, but who is he and what is he most famous for?


Scott R Brunton is a former model, who lived in Hollywood. In the early 80s, he says that he worked as a waiter whilst his career as a commercial actor was still in its infancy. He says he met Star Trek actor, George Takei in Los Angles and the two became friends.

After Brunton and his boyfriend of the time split up, Brunton recalls that he went to George Takei’s home for a couple of drinks. There is an update to this story now. Read here.

Acting and modelling history

Scott R Brunton doesn’t seem to have much in terms of an internet history – he has no IMDB credits under the name of Scott R Brunton or no Wikipedia page.

He starred in a West Coast Coolers advert which was shot in Ibiza – He also had shoots for Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Harvey Nichols, Harrods and many other print jobs.


In The Hollywood Reporter, it is stated that Brunton was a commercial actor and a model.

What is he currently doing?

Brunton is now self-employed and lives in Oregon with his husband. They married in 2013.



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