TODAY IN LGBT HISTORY | Harvey Milk speechwriter and author Frank M Robinson dies

Frank M Robinson was credited with writing some of Harvey Milk’s most emotive speeches.

Frank M Robinson was 87-years-old when he died in 2014.

Born in 1926, Frank M. Robinson moved to San Franciso in the 1970s where he became a speechwriter for Harvey Milk. He also had a small role in the Dustin Lance-Black film Milk.

He was the author of 16 books, 3 of which were made into films, The Power, The Glass Inferno (made into The Towering Inferno) and The Gold Crew.


One of Robinson’s most famous speeches was the one entitled “You’ve Got To Have Hope” which is credited to helping fuel the LGBT+ movement’s rhetorical power in the US. The speech is famous for its first line: “My name is Harvey Milk and I’m here to recruit you”, which was in response to a claim by TV star Anita Bryant that gay people were trying to recruit young people.

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