Poland is about to get its first TV commercial featuring a gay couple

Despite the backlash that the gay community is receiving in Poland, husbands Jakub and David are about to star in a TV advert for a condom brand.

Durex in Poland has premiered a TV ad which featured Poland’s most famous gay couple, YouTubers, Jakub and Dawid. It’s part of a new campaign called “Loud In Bed” and is expected to air on all major TV channels in the country.

The ad will also air in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania.

Previously the couple, who got married in 2017 have received death threats for their activism. In 2016 after releasing a video, which went viral commentators said that the couple should be put in a “gas chamber”.


Recently the couple took to the streets of Poland to give out rainbow face masks in the fight against Coronavirus and homophobia and the results were a mix of gratitude and threats of violence.


Categories: Celebrity