Daily Mail: Richard Littlejohn’s article not homophobic

“He supports civil partnerships…”

So that’s alright then.


The Daily Mail has defended an article they published by Richard Littlejohn following on from an outcry from the public concerning what many described as the transphobic and homophobic tone of the column. The article was entitled, ‘Please don’t pretend two dads is the new normal’ in which he criticises the parents to be Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black for announcing that they are expectant fathers.

The paper, released a statement to say that the article was not homophobic in content and that those who “bullied” advertisers into boycotting the paper “politically motivated internet trolls” according to the Press Gazette.

A spokesperson for the Daily Mail said: “Had any of the political zealots who attacked Richard Littlejohn’s column actually read it they would know that he explicitly supports civil partnerships and the fostering of children by gay couples – hardly evidence of homophobia.


“Nor is it homophobic to ask whether it is right to deny a child the love of its own mother.


“It is very sad that any advertiser should give way to bullying by a tiny group of politically motivated internet trolls in their attempts to censor newspapers with which they disagree.”

Advertisers pull their adverts


At least two advertisers pulled advertising from the title, joining a host of other businesses that have said they will no longer advertise with the company. The first was Southbank Centre and then followed by Center Parcs


Quorn Foods UK, which had digital advertising running next to the article have pulled their digital ads as well.

For a more complete list of those who have effectively boycotted an advert spend in the Daily Mail / Mail Online click here.

Categories: Front Page News
Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.