It’s always uplifting to see news about Pride events across the country. Yes believe it or not, despite the weather, we are well into the Pride season. News about events, activities and line-ups are being announced on a daily basis via news feeds, magazines and social media.

I’m extraordinarily lucky to be able to attend three Pride events this year. What I always love about them is the community feel they all have. Pride really helps to promote inclusivity across a broad spectrum of people and allows them to interact in a fun, safe way, which for some is their only chance to interact with the community.

The first Gay Pride UK Rally was held in July 1972. It was thought that we were quite liberal at that time but you have to remember that homosexual acts between consenting adults had been illegal until 1967, which made this quite a milestone moment in history.


The core of Pride is that people should be proud of who they are, that there is nothing wrong with being different and that our sexuality is something beyond our control. As opposed to the shame many LBGT people were made to feel years ago, everyone is now encouraged to be proud and rightfully so.

Pride has grown and evolved over the years and has, of course, seen changes which have been necessary within that evolution. I’m pleased to say the one thing that has never and will never change is the sense of community and family that you will always experience, whatever Pride event you attend.

If you have never attended a Pride event and are considering attending your first one, I cannot recommend these events highly enough. They are a wonderful way to be introduced to the LGBT community and a beacon of positivity and information, especially if you have just ‘come out’ and are new to the scene.

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by The Gay Prime Minister/Twitter


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