We Are Gay UK

Submit Your Question To The Legal Clinic

Submit your questions to our expert legal team.

You should always seek your own professional representation and any advice given in these pages is for guidance only. THEGAYUK and its legal team are not responsible for the outcome of any issue raised within these pages.


Every month we choose a couple of your legal questions and get our legal specialists to provide FREE impartial advice.

So if you’ve questions about

  • Wills
  • Probate
  • Tax Planning
  • Lasting power of Attorney
  • Civil partnerships
  • Surrogacy
  • Co-parenting Agreements

We apologize not all issues or queries will be or can be answered and we will not answer emails individually. Sending an email to our specialist indicates that you accept your legal issue might be published in an edition of THEGAYUK Magazine.

Names, places, locations and monetary amounts can be altered for privacy, please advise of this in your initial email.

You may be contacted by a member of our team for additional information of necessary.

By using our upload form you are agreeing to the following T&CS.

THEGAYUK may choose to publish your question or issue.  We can use a false name

We cannot publish every submission or give an answer to every submission sent.

THEGAYUK is not responsible nor the legal specialist who answers submissions for the actions taken by an applicant after receiving advice. You are strongly recommended to seek professional legal assistance.

Advice is given by a team of solicitors and legal experts.

We reserve the right to modify, change or update this terms at our discretion.

Emails sent are unsecured and therefore you should use precautions with personal details.

Updated 08/03/2017