We Are Gay UK

Mission Statement

Connecting, Entertaining and Empowering the gay community in the United Kingdom.

Our Readership and Contributors are at the heart of everything we do. Creativity, Honesty, Integrity and Independence are the absolutes to which we are beholden. We have created the following mission statement to shape the editorial policy for THEGAYUK.


To serve the public interest.  We seek to report and relay stories that have significance to our audience.

To deliver honestly edited and ethical content to the readership of THEGAYUK, and to provide space for Free Opinion and Debate.

We aim to cover anything and everything gay in the UK and abroad, either through our listings section or through our news output in the magazine section.

We strive to give free listings to every LGBT run, owned or managed business in the UK.


To provide an online platform for up and coming and established talents from the entertainment, fashion, health, political and business communities.

To also promote the free speech of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people of the UK, regardless of political, social or economic standing.


To be politically active in areas in which the LGBT+ community is marginalised.

The mission of THEGAYUK is to provide a voice and a free speech platform to the gay community in the United Kingdom.

To promote harmony and understanding between the different communities both within the overall gay community and outside it.

To promote health, sexual health and wellbeing amongst the gay community in the United Kingdom and beyond.

How is this website funded? has a number of revenue streams.

They are:

Banner ads by RevContent and and in the past we’ve earned money from GayAdNetwork, Taboola, Facebook Ads and Redcharger

Private donations from well-wishers via our support driver

The short fall is made up by private funding from its owners.

3 thoughts on “Mission Statement

  1. “Does anyone remember ‘Shane’s’ disco bar in Kilburn/ Finchly Road in the 1970s.? Really Great times for both Gay Guys and Gay Girls (as I prefer to be called!)

  2. Hi
    I’m organizing a display of the lost gay bars of Greenwich and Woolwich. Can I use links to your online project about lost pubs?
    Many thanks
    Librarian, Woolwich Central Library

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