Everyday THEGAYUK is searched for information about the TV Presenter Andi Peters and specifically about his sexuality.

Is andi peters gay?

We’ve done some searching around to find the answers to your questions about Andi Peters’ sexuality.

As far as we know Andi Peters is not gay or bisexual, he has not officially come out about his sexuality or made a public statement about his sexual orientation.

However, history has proven that Peters’ is an extremely private man, who rarely gives interviews to the press and never talks about his personal life. He has however mentioned on Twitter that he is single.

There are, of course, as with many celebrities the rumours that he is gay, but they are just rumours and until Andi confirms or denies – it’s hard to say with any certainty.

The user-generated content site, VIPfaq.com asked its users whether they thought Andi Peters was gay. An overwhelming 94 percent voted him as gay, four percent straight and just two per cent thought he was bisexual.

Andi Peters is a stalwart presenter, who has graced the UK’s TV screens for three decades. He started his career in the CBBC’s Broom Cupboard in 1989, moving on to Live And Kicking in 1993. He hasn’t left our screens since.


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