We Are Gay UK

Sex Health Clinic

Welcome to’s sex health clinic. The UK’s first online sex health portal for the LGBT+ community.

Check out our huge archive of sexual health questions and use this form to ask our experts anything.

Now we can bring you up-to-date information on everything you need to know in the world of sexual health.

  • Feel too embarrassed to book an appointment?
  • Not sure if you are in need of a screening?
  • Got that morning after feeling?
  • Found lumps and bumps that shouldn’t be there?

Answered by a team of specialists you can ask anything you might be worried about.

THEGAYUK may forward this email to a confidential email address with one of our healthcare partners. No other 3rd parties will handle this query.

We do not collect any personal data from this form unless you add your email – in which case it will be handled in line with our Privacyprivacy policy.

You do not have to give us your email address, but it may help us to contact you if further information is needed about your submission.

We may not be able to reply individually to emails.

You agree by clicking ‘Send’ that your question and any attachment may be published on THEGAYUK network. We will not publish any identifiable personal information in connection with your submission.

If you have symptoms you should contact your local sexual health clinic for advice.

This service is run free THEGAYUK