★★★★ | Red Dwarf XI Episode 6: Can Of Worms

So another very different episode. A very unique one too as it gives the, long overdue, lead to the Cat (Danny John-Jules).
Even though the trope is simple: Cat finds love but all is not what it seems, the execution isn’t; Just when we think we know where this is going we suddenly find that we are not going there at all. This is the episodes strength as well as it’s weakness: there often is too much going on and every element would have been a perfect episode by its-self.
The characters, though, are spot on as are the actors: Dany John-Jules clearly relishes giving the Cat more freedom while Chris Barrie and Craig Charles add a new facet to Rimmer and Lister – concerned parents looking after their naïve cat-child. Although very short, the guest performance by Dominique Moore as the Cat’s love interest really left us wanting Moore (yes, pun intended).
All in all a strange but worthy ending to a brilliant series.
We can’t wait till XII next year!! See you then!!
Red Dwarf XI continues tonight on Dave at 9PM