So do you remember Aiden Gillen who played the very sexually active and confident Stuart Alan Jones in Queer As Folk? Well, what he looks like today is pretty much stunning.

Despite Queer As Folk being broadcast nearly two decades ago, (16 years to be precise) the actor who played the sexy Stuart Alan Jones (centre) looks stunning at the age of 48.
The actor, who is actually heterosexual, hasn’t been absent from our TV screens since his rise to fame on QAF! He’s appeared in at least 31 films since the year the show’s first broadcast and he’s starred in loads and loads of TV shows. He’s been starring in the hit Game of Thrones since 2011 as Petry Baelish.
ALSO READ: What Queer As Folk’s Charlie Hunnam looks like today is CRAZY
Want to recapture the Queer As Folk years? Buy the DVD from AMAZON