Could being more tech savvy be the key to a better job?

Could being more tech savvy be the key to a better job?

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Sukh Ryatt, Managing Director at leading intranet software supplier, Oak, tells us how being mindful of our digital footprint could be the key.

What’s your dream job? A lawyer, an artist, a web developer? Whatever your chosen career path might be, did you know that having a sound understanding of digital markets, and tech-based skillsets can make you a more desirable candidate?

The fact is that employers are desperately seeking individuals with technical skills outside of their specialisation. Digital skills have become transitional, so much so that every industry requires employees to be ‘tech savvy’ just to understand day to day business operations. If you’re still not convinced, read on to find out exactly how technical understanding makes you more employable, regardless of industry.

1. Make your CV stand out


Including digital skills on your resume will make you stand out, ahead of your non-techy competition. Think you don’t have any digital skills? Think again. Are you computer-literate? Can you use Microsoft Office? If the answer is yes, then you have the digital skills necessary for 99% of jobs. The key to writing a top-class CV is to identify the skills you have and apply them to the role you’re applying for. For example, if you kept a successful blog through Uni, you’ll have good copywriting skills and a comprehensive understanding of site management tools, which instantly makes you a more desirable candidate.

2. Digital presence = your opportunity

Almost every company in the UK has some form of digital presence. Regardless of whether it’s an active social media account, a thematic blog, or simply a brochure site, the digital world is roaring with opportunity. Employers are looking to create dynamic workforces, who can contribute more to business operations, and having digital know-how is key.

3. Be critical

Every company will be interested to gain feedback about their digital footprint. Make yourself familiar with the company’s online campaigns, prior to interviews and be sure to comment on what you think they’re doing well on and how they could improve. Being critical will highlight your analytical skills, which is vital for any business to thrive.

4. Businesses want to stay ahead of the game

The UK is leading the European market when it comes to tech skills and we want it to stay that way. Businesses want to ensure that their employees are well versed in digital aspects to stay ahead of the competition, so they are actively seeking team members who are up to date with the latest technologies, so their business can thrive.

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5. Climb the ladder quicker


The bottom line is that all employers will expect their staff to be computer literate, with Millennial business operations relying on technology for everything from conference calls, to documenting sales figures. Regardless of the sector, you’re entering in to, having technical understanding will widen your career options and can significantly increase your rate of progression.

6. Exceed expectations


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Transitioning your technical knowledge to the workplace will help you to work more efficiently, freeing up more time to get involved in other projects, that you enjoy working on. Technology has the power to change workplace standards – think flexible working hours and remote days. Not only can you improve your work-life balance, you’ll impress your employers, especially when they see how productive you are.

7. Trust the stats

A study conducted by reported that 63% of skill shortage vacancies are a result of candidates lacking technical, practical, or job-specific skills. In fact, it’s said that your chances of employment increased by 25% with the relevant tech abilities and your salary will be an average of 10% higher than your non-technical friends.

With numbers on side, it’s clear that tech skills are increasingly important to land the career of your dreams. So, embrace your inner geek, nail that interview and fall in love with your new career prospects!

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