We all know one. You know one. I know one.

I don’t like the expression.


You’re either a racist, sexist, ageist or homophobic.



I read an article last week. It quoted the Pope. He said:


“Gay people are not fully developed humans”


No. The Nazis were undeveloped people Benedict. Cough-Cough I digress.


How is he getting away with homophobic outbursts like that? Say for example a comedian was heard saying black people are “not fully developed humans” or an MP was heard saying the same about women, there’d be utter outrage. Yet if you make outright homophobic statements you seemingly get away without any action. Obviously, earlier last week, the delightful Nick Griffin posted the address of the gay couple Michael Black and John Morgan who won their case against the chillingly bigoted Susanne Wilkinson who decided they could not stay in her B&B. He posted their address on Twitter. To thousands of people. Thousands of people who support this wannabe dictator. His punishment for posting their address to his vile supporters? Banned from tweeting… for a day. Big punishment for a man who essentially put their home and their lives at stake.

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Yet the ‘almighty’ Pope can publicly say such disgusting things. Oh I forgot… He can say what he wishes; because he fronts an organisation who’s standpoint on using HIV preventative measures, the woman’s right to chose and homosexuality to name a few, verge on the immoral. His organisation also has hundreds of years of power and a money reserve of millions to back its causes. I’m in NO WAY saying that all Catholics are immoral, but if you agree with the homophobic things he says… then you need to either have a serious re-think about your morals, or leave society. I don’t care how you do it.


I know many Catholics who completely disagree with the Pope’s extreme views. So potentially the question is: Is the pope a true spokesman for all Catholics around the world? The world has opened its eyes and its mind… Evidently we’re waiting for the Vatican to follow suit.


Being against gays, gay pride, gay adoption and gay marriage is fine. Small minded people are out there; let them think what they want to think. However, don’t dare try and stop gay people living their lives how they want to live them. There is such a casual attitude towards homophobia and I for one am sick of it.

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Until next time darlings. Saunters off to the drinks cabinet


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About the author: Lewis Fellows
Lewis is quite possibly the most clichéd gay among us. His wardrobe is mostly sarongs; he is obsessed with Judy Garland and enjoys 1 or maybe 5 cocktails a night. He bases his love life on that of Glenn Close’s in Fatal Attraction. Shockingly he is single. Despite this he is unspeakably fabulous. He is a gay activist and enjoys strolls along the beach...with a large net in which to catch men.

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