Instead of going down, homophobic hate crime continues to grow in Scotland.

Despite having some of the most progressive policies in the UK for LGBT+ people, crimes against gay and bi people, or people perceived to be LGB have continued to rise in Scotland.


Hate crime reports against LGB people are now at their highest level since 2010.

24 per cent rise in charges for homophobic crime

In the period between 2019 and 2020, there were 1486 total homophobic hate crime charges brought. In 2018 to 2019 there were 1194 – an increase of 292 charges for the current year, which is equal to a 24 per cent rise. Last year the rise was five per cent. Meaning that crimes against gay, lesbian and bi people has ballooned in Scotland.

Eighty-four per cent of the charges were taken to court. One per cent of the charges did not make it to court. Nine of the cases could not proceed because there was insufficient admissible evidence.


Transgender hate crime also increased, with one additional charge brought in the period of 2019-2020. Last year there were 40 charges, this year there have been 41 charges. A decrease since a high in 2017/2018 when charges reached 52.

“Disappointing and, frankly, embarrassing”

Talking to THEGAYUK about the new stats, MP Mhairi Black said,

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“It is extremely disappointing and, frankly, embarrassing that homophobic hate crimes are still on the rise in Scotland.

“I hope, though I’m not necessarily hopeful, that these numbers indicate a greater number of people coming forward about the homophobic abuse they receive rather than the number of crimes actually increasing, but no matter which way you look at it this is a disgusting situation for a modern country to find itself in.”

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