★★★ |We Will Rock You, National Tour

Set in a distant, dystopian future where musical instruments and composers are banned, where generic pop music is imposed on the public and rock music is all but unknown, a small group of “Bohemians” struggle to restore the idea of thought, fashion and, most importantly, rock music as they break free of the grip of the Killer Queen.
Seventeen years after it opened, this theatrical juggernaut heads out on a theatre tour bringing with it some of Queen’s most iconic songs. The show is a full-on assault to the senses, with a set made up of giant screens displaying animated, projected backdrops, a colourful array of costumes and music and vocals so loud that the bass reverberates in your chest.
During the first act, the songs come thick and fast, with the wafer-thin plot serving little more purpose other than linking one song to the next, but the second act yields a little more to the rather silly narrative whilst still packing in enough hits to keep you entertained.
Such big songs require big voices and the two leads, Ian McIntosh and Elena Skye can certainly belt out the tunes, giving solid vocal performances; whilst audience favourite Michael McKell provided some excellent comic relief throughout.
But the real stars here are the songs, and the show packs in all the Queen hits you are expecting. Despite a plot which is utter nonsense, We Will Rock You will have you rocking your way out of the theatre.
We Will Rock You is currently at Sheffield Theatres before continuing on its national tour.