In a move which should please everyone who isn’t a WASP, Apple has announced plans to release a diverse selection of emojis including gay and lesbian families.

According to sources, Apple plans to release around 300 more emojis which include gay couples as well as male and female faces in six different skin tones. The ethnically diverse icons include a Santa in the 6 colours.

The current icons do include gay men and women, however, no black faces. There is one Asian man wearing a Chinese cap and an Indian man wearing a turban.

The new icons will now include LGBT Families including same-sex parents with one of two children. Gay characters first appeared in the emoji menu in 2012.

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The emojis will be made available later in the year with the release of iOS 8.3.

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Last year Facebook launched a number of gay pride icons for users to celebrate Pride season.

About the author: TheNewsDesk
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