What is it recently with me and ball playing books? First, there was Grand Slam by J.T. Cheyanne and now along comes Confessions of a Gay Rugby Player by the talented Patrick Darcy.

Patrick takes the world of rugby, gay rugby at that, and makes it real. So real, you can smell the sweat on those players, even if you have no idea why they scrum or whatever it is they do….

The first title isn’t overly long, at just 44 pages in total and is a fully fledged, paid up member of the gay erotica club. This book has no pretensions to be literary or a full novel….it does what it says on the tin, its erotic, its truthful and honest, and above all else, its sexy as hell!

The storyline is simple, it follows our hero, Conor Murphy as he takes part in a gay rugby tournament in New York. Rubbing up against teams from all over the world gives him plenty of chances to get up to mischief and he doesn’t disappoint, including a quickie with a cowboy!

In the introduction, Charlie Harding sets the scene when he asks whats hotter than a manly, burly, masculine rugby player? And believe me, if this is your thing, this title wont disappoint you.

The sex scenes are written with one thing in mind, so hold your e-reader securely… in the one hand…

Book 2 follows a similar vein, if you will. Connor and his close team mate Sean take Copenhagen, one man at a time. Once again, there are realistic rugby scenes in here that sit convincingly alongside Connor and Sean’s conquests. This isn’t surprising as the writer identifies himself as gay, Irish and a rugby player himself. Also, similarities with Connor continue in that Patricks day job allows him to travel and experience “local colour” which surely must provide fodder for the books.

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I admire both titles for their honesty – Patrick has an innate talent for producing work that entertains the head whilst also appealing to somewhere further south.

If rugby is your game, or rugby players are your type, treat yourself and download these now…there is a 3rd available but I’ll leave that up to you to discover.

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About the author: Chris Jones
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