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Jack Monroe quits general election campaign after death threats sent to her home

Jack Monroe has quit the campaign trail after death threats were sent to the writer’s home.

In a statement left on Twitter, activist and writer Jack Monroe, who had been standing for the National Health Action party said that for the sake of her son, mental and physical health she was quitting her campaign to become MP for Southend. The activist also revealed that two death threat letters had been delivered to her home address.

The step down of the would-be politician was announce with immediate affect but the activist would continue to support the NHA. In a lengthy note published on Twitter, Monroe wrote,

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“My health is terrible right now (don’t be fooled by the glowing tan – it’s from a bottle) and after having two separate letters along the lines of ‘Die You Bitch’ delivered to my home address, I am making the decision to step back, for my own sanity and also the safety of my seven year old son.

“There are other reasons, too, my arthritis has left me crippled in bed more than once this week, and I feel throwing all of my energy into a personal campaign is the fastest way to burnout I can possibly imagine.

“I will use what energy I have to stay behind the Save Southend A&E Campaign, as I already have done, on political reporting and activism, and on having a good time with my boy.

“There will come a time when I have all guns blazing for this fight from the inside, but this isn’t it.

“I have spent the last two weeks having dozens of friends telling me how disappointed they are in me like I did a big bad terrible thing, when my sole motivation was to highlight the hospital campaign.

“People who genuinely know me – not the ones that just read some shit in the press – know I am cripplingly shy, anxious, won’t even open my own front door most days.

“The limelight is not where I want to be, and nobody deserves threats stuffed through their letterboxes.

“I remain, as ever, a National Health Action member, a Womens Equality Party member, and a Labour supporter, and will happily quietly deliver as many damn leaflets as you all want.

“Just none with my face on thank you very much.”

About the author: TheNewsDesk
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