Has Austria given the world a new symbol of hope? Like, I don’t know, Katniss Everdeen? I too felt like raising my three middle fingers in support of Conchita Wurst.

Like most of the world, I am sure you were in awe at Austria’s entry of the Eurovision Song Contest. It sent shivers as well as butterflies through one’s body. The powerful voice of Conchita filled our ears with delicious harmony, as well as lyrically astounding us.

There is one thing about her journey that struck me sideways. Despite criticism and idiocy from close-minded bigots, Conchita triggers thoughts of a familiar struggle that, at one point in every gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender’s life, they have gone through and therefore can relate to. For those Hunger Games fanatics and acquaintances, this struggle resonates Katniss’s turmoil when defending her own kind who had been, for seventy five years, ostracised, marginalised and made to live their lives as sacrificial, by the Capitol. The Capitol has a lot to answer for, as they do not want to change, in fact what they want to do is to boycott and silence these protests.

Is that ringing any bells?

What were Russia, Belarus and Ukraine trying to do during the Eurovision week?

I will leave that rhetorical. As I can hear the pennies dropping in your minds.

Watching the Final was mesmerising and ethereal. I was expecting Conchita’s dress to turn in to ‘Flame’ and her nodding to, a Cinna like person, in the audience as confirmation of the rebellious movement. What really got me were the fire-like wings behind her, on the screen, as Conchita Wurst beautifully bursts in to the last Rise Like A Phoenix chorus.

The victory was not just about the song and the artist, but it was another triumph for LGBT community’s voice being heard and expressed. It makes me wonder if this same song was played five years ago, would it have had the same effect? Or was it the fact that the world’s views have strengthened in relation to LGBT rights?

2014 has been a year of so many firsts:
29th March: Gay Weddings, making it a live broadcast for all to see and celebrate with the happy couple. United Nations advances its stand on Gay Rights with Bollywood style music video depicting a welcoming of a homosexual couple to one’s family.
Conchita Wurst creates a storm within East Europe and the World with her sheer confidence and ambition. Where to end? This is the beginning.

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As many countries such as Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, have views that are eerily intensifying, there is a pleasing air of acceptance around the communities in the Western Culture where it feels okay to hold a hand or kiss someone of the same sex, or even to tell your Mum or Dad who you really are.

Thank you Conchita Wurst for the emancipation of LGBT presence. We all raise our three fingers to you.

Keep that Bird Rising!


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About the author: Alex Da Silva

I am passionate person whose keen interest lends itself to Theatre. I am currently in rehearsals for the tour of Hamlet, being performed in England, Wales and Germany. I am playing Hamlet.

I am half Portuguese, hence the surname. I lived there for 17 years. Most people ask me why did I move here? Well being Gay in a catholic predominant country is not easy or recommended.

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