Jeremy Clarkson has joked that his co-hosts James May and Richard Hammond are married and that he was a guest at their wedding party and even joined them on their honeymoon.

Bored Jeremy Clarkson tells ultimate fib after getting bored at press junkets.
He told one journalist that his co-hosts were married.
He said that he joined them on their honeymoon.
Okay, just so you know James May and Richard Hammond, the co-host of Amazon’s Grand Tour along with Jeremy Clarkson aren’t married, but that’s what Jeremy has claimed after he got bored with endless questions from journalists about the brand new flagship show for Amazon.
According to the Daily Star, to try and combat the tedium of press junkets Jeremy started to embellish his answers and even told on New York journo a whopping fib.
At one press conference in New York he alleges he was asked why he was in NY… Always the joker, Jeremy told him:
“I was a guest at James and Richard’s honeymoon.
According to Jeremy the journalist duly wrote that down as fact in his notebook.
Of course, in real life James May is in a relationship with Sarah Frater who he’s been dating since 2000 and Richard Hammond has been married to Amanda Etheridge since 2002. Neither of them identify as gay or bisexual.
Complaining about his promotional obligations for the Amazon show Jeremy revealed,
“I’ve spent the past month on the promotional trail.
“It’s a brutal cocktail of complicated hotel rooms, shouty airport security staff and indigestion from gobbled dinners, all topped off with a never-ending array of mostly idiotic interviews.”
Well Jez, those are the breaks…
This guy is a joke. It’s his job and he’s paid extremly well for it. Get a grip and do your job!