Hollywood legend Tab Hunter died from heart failure and was also living with prostate cancer at the time of his death.

The 1950/60’s heartthrob Tab Hunter died from heart failure. His death certificate, published by TMZ also shows that the actor was also living with prostate cancer.
According to the document, Tab Hunter died cardiogenic shock, which is where the blood can’t be pumped fast enough to deal with the body’s requirements.
Tab Hunter died last month, just three days before his 87th birthday.
In 2015 we interviewed the director of a documentary film about Tab’s life as a Hollywood star, we were fortunate enough to speak to the man himself who gave the following piece of coming out advice.
“For young people coming to terms with their sexuality today, all I can say is, be true to yourself. Geraldine Page once told me, (The press loved her. They hated my guts.) ‘If people don’t like you, that’s their bad taste.’ I needed to hear that, and I’d like to pass that on to all of you. Just remember… If people don’t like you, that’s their bad taste.”
Tab Hunter didn’t come out as gay until later in his life. He came out in 2005 when he released his autobiography Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star (2005)