Douche and then douche again!
Making sure your back passage is clear from poop is one of the main worries for guys who are interested in anal sex, pegging, finger play or prostate massage. So what’s the best way to make sure you’re clean down there?
The bodyclock

The least hands-on approach to being clean is all about timing. Knowing when your likely to have a clean passage. This is usually in between your regular poops. However, it’s not very reliable because it’s all very dependent on what you’ve eaten in the last 24-48 hours and how much fibre and hydration you’ve had.
There’s also still a chance that you’ll have poo inside your rectum, even after you go, which could lead to chucks being dislodged during play – which let’s face it nobody wants.
If you’re keen to be really confident, then you’ll have do some douching.
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