Amy Ashenden

The Evening Standard has appointed its very first LGBT+ Correspondent.

London Evening Standard
CREDIT: By Philafrenzy (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
One of London’s most read news outlets, The Evening Standard has appointed its first LGBT+ correspondent, Amy Ashenden, who is also the outlet’s online Assistant Video Editor. The writer is also the editor of The Gay Word, a documentary about the evolution of the word “gay” asking the question, “Is it homophobic or has language evolved?”

Amy Ashenden
CREDIT: Amy Ashenden/Twitter

Speaking to Amy spoke how important the new role way for the LGBT+ community saying,

“I feel it’s an important role because London has a huge queer community.

“There’s so much happening here and being queer myself, I’ve always been keen to make sure LGBTQ voices are heard and that all of London is represented. LGBTQ content is something I’ve been doing a lot of ever since I started at the Standard and I’m delighted the new title will formally recognise that”


Having an LGBT+ correspondent is very rare for mainstream media and Amy suggests that it’s a great way of making content inclusive, representative and a brillaint way to bring more diversity across the media,

Amy continued,

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“I think having a LGBTQ Correspondent is a great way of making content inclusive and more relevant to wider audiences. There is a lack of diverse content across many media outlets, and being fair, representative and inclusive is something I think all journalism should strive to be”

“I am very proud to be the Evening Standard’s first ever LGBTQ Correspondent and it goes to show you should never shy away from telling stories you feel passionate about. If there’s something LGBTQ happening, particularly in London, please get in touch! I’m always keeping an eye out for stories”.

You can read Amy’s articles here

About the author: TheNewsDesk
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