Apple CEO has revealed that he believes that being gay is a gift from God.

Apple CEO has revealed that he believes that being gay is a gift from God.


In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Apple CEO Tim Cook discussed why he chose to come out as gay as well as the Trump Presidency’s policies on taxes, trade with China and immigration.

During the interview, Cook says he came out publicly as gay after receiving letters from kids who “going through being bullied, being pushed out of their homes, very close to suicide”.


Cook goes on to say, coming out as gay has been “God’s greatest gift” to him as it has given him empathy towards those not in the majority.

He added, “My strong view is that everyone should be treated with respect… I became public because I started to receive letters from kids who read online that I was gay and they were going through being bullied, being pushed out of their homes, very close to suicide, things that really just pulled my heart and I started thinking I’m a private person and I’ve kept me to my small circle and I started thinking that is a selfish thing to do. I need to be bigger than that, I need to do something for them and show them that you can be gay and still go on and do some good jobs in life… to me, it’s God’s greatest gift because in doing so, I learnt what it was like to be a minority which gives you a feeling of empathy for other people who are not in the majority and you begin to look at life a bit differently.”

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Read the full article over at CNN

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