Stephen Fry is up there as one of my all-time favourite celebrities.

We share the exact same view with regard to god – if there was a god how could dreadful creatures like Katie Hopkins exist? I love the fact he’s human with a colourful past. And more recently, Stephen is utterly entertaining, knowledgeable and charming on QI.

Stephen would be my number one dinner guest if I could choose any well known figure. What I’ve read and seen on-the-box is a patient, distinguished, enchanting man. There is something quite attractive about Fry. We’re not talking physique here – but I understand how Elliot Spencer, a bright 27-year-old comedian, could fall for, in my eyes, such a charismatic and intelligent gent.

The Big Smoke has been my home for sixteen years – I’m well versed at walking past a member of the Spice Girls, dining in the same eatery as the voice behind Murder On The Dance Floor, or having to sit by one of the dragons from Dragons Den at a friend’s birthday party. I’ve even dated a celebrity. No biggie. So-called celebrities are just successful skin-and-bone after all.

I met a friend recently at the Royal Academy (RA) to sit in their square and enjoy some jazz from a group called Chico Chico.

Sipsmith Summer Cup in hand, Havies tapping rhythmically to the melody, and my mince-pies catch Mr Stephen Fry promenading through the RA’s court yard.

I follow Stephen on Twitter, I’m halfway through More Fool Me, Fry’s current autobiography, and I hardly ever miss QI. Of course, I should politely say hello and ask admiringly for a selfie – how could such an adorable man say no to a civil, dapperly-attired, young homo.

Like this:

Without a so much as a glimpse at his pearly-whites, “er er, no no, er”, he shook his head as he steamed into the RA.

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I was left crimson-cheeked, extremely disappointed and with a whole new impression of Mr Fry. Disrespectfully rebuffed, in front a small crowd, can make one feel like a muppet – not the look I was going for.

A simple smile, followed by – I’m sorry I’m in a hurry – would have sufficed.

Or, a spared 30 seconds, to please a fan who helps support the lifestyle Stephen enjoys today.

Stephen’s auto has been tucked away in a drawer and QI hasn’t graced the wide screen since our meet. I’m still following Fry on Twitter, but the expiry date is nearing.

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Has Stephen Fry forgotten he’s part of the establishment – and his manners – or was he just having an off day? Either way, Fry has the privilege of being a role model to the gay community and to British people. Manners cost nothing – even Muppets know that.


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About the author: Thabian Sutherland
I’ve lived in the Old Smoke since 1999 with a career in fashion, fitness and events. I discovered the joys of writing beginning of 2014. Since then I’ve been tapping digits to keys. Subjects include food, theatre, exhibitions, London life and other topics that tickle my taste-buds. Other publications include Timeout, Gay Times and So So Gay Magazine.

Opinions expressed in this article may not reflect those of THEGAYUK, its management or editorial teams. If you'd like to comment or write a comment, opinion or blog piece, please click here.