We Are Gay UK

Mental Health Resources

In times of anxiety, depression and isolation it can help to reach out and talk to somebody.

Here are some helplines which we encourage you to call, email or instant message with.

(We’re currently updating this page. Please check back soon for more options)



Samaritans (116-123)

Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Switchboard (formerly London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard) (0300 330 0630)

Open from 10 AM until 10 PM. Has phone, email and instant messages services.

LGBT Foundation (0345 3 30 30 30)

Open from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 6 pm.

Birmingham LGBT Centre

Birmingham LGBT is the city’s leading charity advocating for and supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities in Birmingham and beyond. We offer a range of services focused on improving the health & well-being of individuals.

Brighton and Hove Switchboard (01273 204050)

Open 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM on Wednesdays and Thursday

Leicester LGBT Centre

Leicester LGBT Centre is a voluntary organisation set up to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans.

Albert Kennedy Trust

Support for 16-26-year-olds LGBT+ people who have been made homeless or living in a hostile situation. Offices in London and Manchester

Armistead Centre, Liverpool

LGBT-specific sexual health in Liverpool.


LGBT Health and Wellbeing in Scotland

Promoting the health, well-being and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) adults (16+) in Scotland. We welcome the entire diversity of our LGBT+ community including non-binary, queer, intersex, and asexual people and all identities under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella.

LGBT Youth Scotland

LGBT Youth Scotland provides quality youth work to LGBTI young people and works in partnership for LGBTI equality and human rights.


LGBT Cymru Helpline

The free phone number is 0800 917 9996 … Lines operate every Wednesday, between 10 am and 3 pm.

Facebook groups

You Are Not Alone

A safe support space for the LGBT+ community to talk and support each other with mental health.

Warwickshire Pride Social and Support Group

This group has been set up by Warwickshire Pride for the LGBT+ community to chat, connect and access support while Warwickshire Pride groups and socials are closed during the coronavirus pandemic.

HIV support

HIV Scotland (0131 558 3713)

Coronavirus Helpline is live between 10 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday.

Terrence Higgins Trust (0808 802 1221)

THT Direct is open from 10 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm Monday to Friday


The Gay Men’s Health Charity. GMFA offers trusted information, advice and support for gay, bi and trans men who have sex with men on all things sex, sexual health, HIV prevention

National AIDS Trust

National AIDS Trust is dedicated to transforming the UK’s response to HIV. We champion the rights of people living with HIV and campaign for change.

Positive East

Offering a comprehensive and holistic range of HIV support and prevention services

LGBT+ Therapy

Pink Therapy

Pink Therapy offers a directory of qualified LGBTQIA+ friendly therapists and counsellors providing trusted, non-judgmental services for people who identify as LGBT+

Free Online LGBTQ+ Group Therapy

This is a small online therapy group run by Pride Space CIC, usually around 4-5 people plus a qualified counsellor.

Groups run on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM. To sign up click here

Do you have a resource that should be added? Click here to let us know.

Discussion Groups

A Change Of Scene

A free monthly forum for gay and bisexual men to share their lives & experiences. Events are free.

Let’s Talk About Gay Sex and Drugs

A former monthly forum for talking about sex and / or drug use in the gay male community of London.

Other support

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is the only UK-wide child protection charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse.

Stop It Now

Supporting people who are worried about their own online behaviour and who want to change. 0808 1000 900