Hundreds of Pro-Gay Marriage Supporters Turn Out To Anti-gay Marriage Protest In London.

The anti-gay marriage protest group, La Manif Pour Tous, which was granted permission to hold a rally in Trafalgar Square by the Mayor’s office, failed to attract large numbers this afternoon.
The ‘static protest’ was launched at 2.00PM in central London, where scores of anti-gay marriage protesters were met with pro-equality supporters, who filled a large section of the crowd.
Police on the ground estimated that there were around 1500 people in total, including those who were pro-equality. At times the pro-equality was so loud that their chants to “Shame On You” and “Go Home Bigots” drown-out the speakers for La Manif Pour Tous.
There was no violence and the rally ended peacefully at 5.00PM.
Damien Fournier Montgieux, the co-ordinator of the anti-gay marriage protest, explained: “Almost out of nowhere we are suddenly faced with a huge challenge to the future of marriage and the family in both France and the UK. There has been no warning or consultation with the people.”
He and other protestors claimed that the future welfare of children will be put at risk from allowing same-sex couples to marry.
Reports from Pinknews say that, pro marriage equality campaign, Out4Marriage said: “The scale of the counter protest shows that the public very much support equal marriage, regardless of what French and other protesters might try to make you believe.”