

We Are Gay UK


Gaming In Color

Diversity in video games is extraordinarily important – especially to the people who play them. Explore the story of the queer gaming community, ‘gaymer’ culture and events, and the rise […]


Equality U

At nearly 200 colleges you can be kicked out for being gay. A group of 33 young activists set out on a cross-country tour to confront anti-gay policies at conservative […]



Cancerpants is the journey of a 36 year old lesbian woman, Rochelle Poulson, who was diagnosed with breast cancer while trying to start a family. It follows her life during […]


Born This Way

With intimate access to the lives of two gay Cameroonians, Born This Way is a portrait of life in modern Africa. Lyrical imagery, devastating homophobia and a courtroom drama coalesce […]


Beatific Vision

Beatific Vision Genre: Drama Released: 2016 Length: 1 Hour 10 Mins Description: What does Michael (Michael Vega) do when his lover of fourteen, years, Chad, dies from brain cancer? Michael does […]