Donald Trump

Concerns have been raised after the White House’s official website removed the LGBT page after President Trump’s inauguration.

Donald Trump
CREDIT: By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (Donald Trump) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
As the world was watching Donald Trump becoming president, tech teams at the were removing some key pages on the website including the LGBT page that President Obama’s adminstation posted to assure the community on their committment to LGBT rights and equality.

Vistors to are now greated with a clear white page with no writing.


Former Star Trek actor George Takei was one of the first stars to draw attention to the deletion.


One commentor on Twitter pointed out that the site’s adminstrators hadn’t removed the meta tags from the bio.

The site is just in transition as Trump’s own team looks to update information and bring forth their own policies. As with each new adminstration the official White House website, Twitter and other social media accounts are all archived for history.

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So far the current adminstration have uploaded policies on energy, jobs and growth, making the military strong, standing up for law enforcement and trade deals.


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