A gay bar on Kensington High Street

We’re creating an online memory board for some of the UK’s lost venues.

We’d love for you to help us grow this historical archive of the UK’s lost gay scene. If you’ve got photos or memories of any of the venues you’d like to share please use the comment section below and we’ll add them right here.


El Sombrero (Yours or Mine)

A gay bar on Kensington High Street

Memory from George:

Leaving the Sombrero club the easiest way for us to walk home to Notting Hill was through the notorious Holland walk this was something to see even if you were not cruising, 20 mins walk through the other end with wall to wall with guys just waiting for action! We were very young then and would walk down together for a laugh but things changed soon after that we became lets say much more curious especially without our friends with us!!

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