Radio 4’s John Humphrys “relentlessly grills” actor Rupert Everett about being gay and then asks: “Do you think there will ever come a time when you can do an interview and being gay doesn’t even come up?” – People were not happy.

Not a day seemingly goes by when Radio 4’s Today programme and John Humphrys, one of the BBC’s highest-paid talents, trends on Twitter for some reason or another. Today however people were not happy that Humphrys pressed Rupert Everett, who was in the studio to discuss his new film about gay icon, Oscar Wilde, on the actor’s sexuality – even asking Everett if he regretted coming out as gay.

People were not happy.
Rupert Everett appears on @BBCr4today to discuss his new film. John Humphrys relentlessly grills Everett about being gay, and then ends the interview with “Do you think there will ever come a time when you can do an interview and being gay doesn’t even come up?” The year is 2018.
— Nicholas Pegg (@NicholasPegg) June 11, 2018
John Humphry’s interview on #r4today with Rupert Everett was absolutely woeful as he asked him if he regretted coming out as gay.
Alternatively John, do you regret being an absolute idiot?
— Shahil Parmar (@shahil95) June 11, 2018
Dear God, what an awful interview — John Humphrys given the chance to talk to Rupert Everett about his new film about Oscar Wilde, but confines himself almost entirely to RE’s sexuality. Even asked if he “regretted” coming out. Atrocious stuff. @BBCr4today
— Justified Left (@justified_left) June 11, 2018
Humphrys asks Rupert Everett if there will ever be a time when he’ll be able to do an interview and not have to talk about being gay. After questioning him about being gay #r4today
— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 11, 2018
John Humphrys asks Rupert Everett whether he thinks there will ever be a time when he does an interview without being asked about being gay…. as if Humphrys had no ability to bring about this state of affairs. #r4today
— Jack Blackburn (@BlackburnJA) June 11, 2018
John Humphreys:
“Rupert Everett, you came out as gay 17 years ago…
“…Do you ever think we’ll get to a situation where you will do an interview and your sexuality will not be mentioned?” @BBCr4today #r4today— Austin Williams (@Future_Cities) June 11, 2018
The questioning in this interview with Rupert Everett which doesn’t really focus on Wilde or his film is more than a little odd – and what an ironic final question @BBCr4today
— Samantha Fiander (@sfiandercomms) June 11, 2018
Responding to the interview, A BBC spokesperson said, “Since this interview centred around Rupert Everett’s portrayal of, and long-standing interest in, Oscar Wilde, it was not inappropriate to draw parallels between the two men and their experiences of being gay at different points in history.”