We love searching through our analytical pages to see what you lovely lot are searching for on THEGAYUK, so here’s this week’s 6 weirdest things you searched for…

Who is Rylan? Uk

Well exactly dear… Who isssssss heeeeee? Oh no wait that’s Nikki Grahame’s line.

How to give the taste of sperm to our gay boyfriend

Wonderful English, but we get the picture – I think you’re looking for 10 ways to make your man mayo taste better… here you go!

Gary Barlow naked


dear god why…
But perhaps you were looking for our 8 Naked Boyband photos?

What is adversarial procedure?

That has flummoxed us. Checking dictionary… Not sure why you ended up on a gay website dear… All things bright and fluffy here.

Who is gay today

Who me dear, gay dear, How very dare you.


131 separate search items for Sam Callahan most of them involving nude, penis or ass…

So if you wanna see Sam Callahan from X Factor naked click here.

shop dildos for gay sex

If you want read our exclusive interview with him click here.


Wonder which link will be more popular.

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