What did become of the famous Thirsty Thursday?

Time was that Buzzfeed would send hot men to your inbox, once a week, every Thursday. Alas, they’ve stopped. In fact, it’s been a long while since they sent a hot man to anyone’s email. The last email sent by our reckoning was in June 2020.

So why did they stop sending the newsletter? Buzzfeed has been going through a lot of editorial changes in the last few years. Last year it closed its UK and Australian operations and laid off numerous staff members across the globe as it looks to make and save money during the COVID era. Newsletters might just be one of the areas that it looked to downsize.

However the site does offer numerous other newsletters in fact, we counted 25 of them.

This was the email header. Buzzfeed sent a once-weekly mailing list that featured stories about sexy celebs and hot men.

It also attracted a fair amount of criticism on the site when it advertised the newsletter. People were complaining of double standards – that it was preaching body positivity and sharing horrendous stories about the everyday sexism that exists for women – while at the same time, providing an email that showcased hot men to ogle.

Is there another Hot Men newsletter available?

However, if you’re looking for a mailing list that still sends hot men to your mailbox then may we humbly suggest our very own DOTD – Dude Of The Day mailing list. It’s an email that we send out up to 3 times a week. It’s free (obvs) and you can unsubscribe at any time. Sign up here.

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