The Scottish Catholic Church has indicated that they are keen to tackle homophobia in schools.

The Catholic Church in Scotland have spoken in support of dealing with homophobia in the classroom according to campaign group Time For Inclusive Education (TIE).

TIE have been campaigning to introduce teacher training in Scottish classrooms to deal with and tackle homophobia in schools. The campaign has received the support of a host of cross party politicians; including Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Willie Rennie, co-convener of the Scottish Green Party Patrick Harvie and Conservative MSP Oliver Mundell.



ALSO READ: Interview with the co-founders of TIE



Speaking with the Sunday Herald this weekend, a spokeswoman from the Catholic Church in Scotland responded to the campaign’s calls, stating,

“The Church is working with the Catholic Head Teacher association to ensure that all teachers have adequate knowledge, understanding and training and feel confident in addressing all aspects of relationships education, including LGBTI matters, in an appropriate and sensitive way.”

Last month, party leaders pledged swift action on the group’s calls for LGBTI inclusive education during a parliamentary debate on which steps should be taken to advance equality following the Orlando massacre in June which left 49 dead and 53 others injured.

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During the session, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who has publicly supported the TIE campaign, restated her pledge to work with the campaigners during her term in government.

She said,

“I don’t want to live in a country, yet alone be First Minister of a country, where any young person has to feel that, somehow, because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, they are subject to judgement or made to feel in any way less than any other individual in our society. I have given a commitment to working with the campaign for inclusive education.”

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