
Around 4 years ago, in reduced financial circumstance, I was faced with making a decision. Television licence or Internet and telephone. I elected for the Internet.

AlexAntropov86 / Pixabay

Ditching the television meant I had gained a freedom. As an outsider of the accepted norm looking in, I gained an insight into the pointless and nonsensical world of some of the people I knew. Those whose lives are dominated by a list of commitments to television schedules or recording programs to watch later.

The power of the ‘soap‘ is an incredible force and I don’t mean the one used to wash your hands and face. What an addiction. Do ‘soaps‘ have a responsibility for the failure of relationships and the malaise of people? In everyday life, we are not usually met in our communities by the same number of disasters, murders, intrigue, sexual deviants, aeroplane crashes into communities or de-railed trains as an opportunity to change the cast, the scenery or the location.

Is it surprising people get bored with their everyday lives? The values not reflected in these shows to a greater extent seem to be those of honesty, integrity, common sense, and continuity of moral and social responsibility.

Reality television creates people whose existence is carved out of being a celebrity by virtue of being on reality TV. A self-perpetuating career. The only other attributes I see regularly on news feeds and social media is an age between early 20s and mid-30s, some appeal to members of the same or opposite sex or both and a propensity for attracting tabloid attention.

A proportionate amount of LGBT+ content and it being valid was missing when I ditched the TV. I have easily redressed the balance with access to the amount of LGBT+ relevant information I have had access to since.

When I grew up there was only ever heterosexual TV content and only men and women kissed in a relationship context, promoted and only informing about heterosexuality.

The law in the past had been very careful about the amount of LGBT+ content and times of it being broadcast. Was I abused by the state as child? When I grew up there was only ever heterosexual TV content and only men and women kissed in a relationship context, promoted and only informing about heterosexuality.

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Should I be starting a claim for compensation against the BBC, ITV or the state for disadvantaging and attempting to pre-condition me?

About the author: Tom Driver

Disillusioned and back in the closet man who likes other men.

Strongly opinionated, possibly outdated. Genuine, cynical, candid and consider I have a humourous outlook.

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Older than acceptable in Gay circles, larger of frame than is fashionably desirable.

Looking for a platform to share my views and listen to others