Having a penis is fun.

Here are seven places you should definitely not stick your purple-headed love monster. You can be warned.
Your Stoma

A stoma is an opening in the body – your mouth, your anus, your nostrils – they are all natural stomas, however, if you have to have an operation to remove part of your intestine or bowel you might be left with a colostomy bag, which will require an artificial stoma to be cut into your stomach, to attach the bag too.
It seems, however, some think the hole that’s left is the perfect place to put a penis. One nurse shared with us that they had witnessed a patient’s stoma getting incredibly infected. When asked why the patient admitted that he had been putting his penis in the hole. It’s a very delicate area and can become infected relatively easily. So putting your or someone else’s penis in it is not a wise move.