The mind may be willing but the equipment is taking some vacay,
At some point, most guys will suffer from erection problems (it even has a term erectile disfunction) and guys search the web high and low for advice on how to fix it but sometimes the penis just doesn’t want to play ball.
Well, there could be some lifestyle factors that are stopping you from getting a hard-on. Getting hard is all about blood flow, so if your erection problem is a physiological issue it could be something to do with your blood pressure. Time to see the doctor! However, there are loads of psychological issues that could affect your libido too. Read on to find out what things are a real erection killer.
- Drinking
- Medication
- Tiredness
- Work stress
- Getting fatter
- Smoking
- Getting enough Vitamin D?
- Are your teeth clean?
- Over masturbation
- Timing

You could be getting drinkers droop. Although alcohol can seemingly put you in the mood for some loving. Excessive drinking will affect your ability to get an erection and could stop you from finishing up too. So if you want a bigger boner then you’re going to have put down that pint.
Some prescribed meds like anti-depressants are known to cause impotence. Blood pressure pills and some allergy medications have also been linked to erectile problems. ED. If you suspect that you’ve been prescribed meds that are affecting your boner then get back in touch with your doc. Ask to try some different drugs. Illicit drugs will also affect your ability to have sex.

Sometimes you’re just too dog tired to perform. Get some ZZZs and try again in the morning when you’re more refreshed. However, there are a number of sleep disorders that could be affecting the quality of the sleep you’re getting. Issues such as sleep apnea or insomnia are problems that will drastically affect the quality of your rest. See your GP if you’re concerned. If you don’t have a GP, use the NHS website to find one.
Work Stress
Getting turned on whether you’ve got a hundred things on your mind is a near impossibility. Your inability to get hard might be because of your work stress, financial woes or even family issues. Working out, yoga, mindfulness and breathing exercises are brilliant ways to reduce your stress load. When your mental problems are being dealt with, so you are your erection problems. It’s all linked.
Getting fat

Yep, an expanding waistline is really unhelpful to your manhood. Obese guys have lower levels of testosterone which plays havoc with your sexual prowess. Being overweight is also linked to blood pressure issues and arteries hardening, which can lead to a reduction in the blood flow to your penis. Also, have you heard of the FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area)? Wondering if your penis is getting smaller with age… this might be the reason.
Make sure you keep within your healthy BMI for a body that’s in perfect working order.
We all know it’s bad for you… it’s also bad for your penis and can cause havoc giving you erection problems. It damages the blood vessels which inhibits the blood flow. Worryingly smoking can also shrink your dick too. So quit today.
Getting enough Vitamin D?
If you’re not getting enough sunshine your body won’t be creating Vitamin D which can cause your testosterone levels to plummet and testosterone is very important in maintaining a healthy boner and ridding your life of erection problems. Without a healthy level of testosterone, you’re effectively killing off your love mood. Getting just 15 minutes of sunlight on your skin is all you need to keep your Vit D levels up.
Are your teeth clean?
Men were three times more likely to have ED if they had gum disease a Turkish study found. The British Dental Health Foundation found that 4 out of five guys who had “severe ED” also had gum disease. This is caused by the bacteria from your diseased gums seeping into your bloodstream which damages your blood vessels.
Stop your mid-day fumbles?
Are you getting off during the day? Maybe you need to get a check on that and save yourself for the big event later on. When we’re younger climaxing more than once a day (or five) was achievable, as you get older you might finder it harder to keep it… So save yourself.
Don’t do it last thing at night…
One of the biggest causes of erection problems is timing. Why wait until you’re about as tired as you’re going to get? F**K first – then dinner, then TV then bed. Get the good stuff while you still have the energy!