We’re creating an online memory board for some of London’s lost venues. Since the turn of the century, London’s gay scene has lost over 100 venues.

We’d love for you to help us grow this historical archive of London’s lost gay scene. If you’ve got photos or memories of any of the venues you’d like to share please use the comment section below and we’ll add them right here.

The Spiral Staircase

A description from Dan who worked there in the 90s.

On the corner of Shoreditch High Street and Rivington Street at 138-139 Shoreditch High Street.

Was part of the 90’s ‘gayditch’ scene along with the Joiners Arms, George and Dragon et al.

Slightly ‘upmarket’ wine bar atmosphere to the ground floor, with a spiral staircase taking you to the basement level which was often given over to Karaoke.

Usual DJ nights & cabaret.

Worked there in 97-98. Not sure when it closed.

Approx open date: Can you help with this info? Comment to update the listing.

Approx closed date: Can you help with this info? Comment to update the listing.


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